*You can watch the artist AND ask questions.  
  • PALETTE members get Live demo's for HALF PRICE
  • PRIME members can view demo's for free.
  • PRIME members receive a discount for classes
  • You do not have to be a member  of ART ACADEMY LIVE to register for art classes. 
     Here are the instructions to place an order... 'ADD TO CART' 'CHECKOUT ' [ do not fill in data yet ] 'NEW ACCOUNT'
    ...fill in info click ' CONTINUE '
    ...check that your order is correct, click 'CONTINUE'
    ...fill in payment information, click 'COMPLETE SUBMISSION'
  • You will receive an email confirmation and details for the class from your teacher
Description Price
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Free TOM LYNCH video explaining his online classes

Click the link to see the current schedule..

Click PREVIEW VIDEO to see description of format for classes.
Click HERE to see a video describing the Cheap Joe's Art Stuff 'online' workshops
Preview Video

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MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL buy 10 months get 2 free

 * NATIONAL EXHIBITIONS  view award winning paintings
* ARTIST INTERVIEWS  learn from the best of the best
* ADVICE FROM THE PROS - great tips from a pro
DVD'S watch a full length DVD  ONLINE ...
    receive a buy one get one free DVD 
PLEIN-AIR - view plein-air paintings and instruction 
STUDENT GALLERY - exhibit some of your art
YOUR PAINTING CRITIQUED - by our professional artists plus watch a video of other critiques 
LIVE BROADCAST DEMO'S - "free" monthly broadcasts ( online classes not included )
MEMBER SPECIAL - great discounts on art supplies
* ART MATERIAL REVIEWS and how to use them

TEACHER GALLERY - view paintings of our great teachers


see Cheap Joe schedule for classes 125.00





TOM LYNCH..Free Demo

Click HERE to see a free DEMO or go to :
" PATH OF LIGHT " recorded 2024


On-line class description $125

lick here to see a video description: or go to ...


    Tom has developed a series of 1-day [ 2- part ] workshop that takes the student on a step-by-step process to creating a successful work of art.  Students will learn new watercolor techniques and the principles of focal point, value change, unity factors and much more while they create a finished work of art. This format is great for those that want to learn in a step–by-step manner. This process will provide you a comprehensive amount of information. You will receive a great foundation that then can be applied to your future paintings. Students will be provided with the photo reference; preliminary sketch; lesson guides; other video tips and techniques; and even color photos of other options for you in order to accomplish a beautiful finished painting.

Part - 1 session …you will paint with Tom parts of the scene on separate sheets of paper. You will learn a variety of watercolor techniques for painting the parts in different ways,  Like--Sunlight, Shadow, Water, Trees, Mountains, Skies, Clouds and soooo more.  You will learn several different ways without the pressure of a finished painting!

During lunch break, There will be a slideshow to watch.

Part 2 session… You will put all the parts together [ step-by-step ] in a new effort and learn about… focal point, value change, unity, design, color harmony and MORE ! You will have a completed painting at the end of the day. The focus of this class is to learn while doing and Tom is a master teacher to help you accomplish that. Join TOM for a fun day of painting where he uses his 3 camera format: with great close ups so you can see each step in great detail. The class is recorded so you can watch in rerun as you pause, fast forward, and screenshot your way to success. As a added BONUS Tom will be available to offer suggestions , and answer your questions up to 3 weeks after class!. [ via email or text ]

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ALL NEW - “  Visual Critique Class  '' 49.00

                        New 'online'
                  "VISUAL CRITIQUE "
                       Dec. 2025 Date to be announced

Tom’s unique approach to analyzing and making suggestions for a finished painting is to ‘SHOW YOU’ what , how and where to make improvements on your paintings. In this sessions Tom will demonstrate using a color printout of your painting. You will hear suggestions on; composition, design, focal point, value, color, theme and much more. You will then see how to make the suggested changes. Viewing the before and after will be a great learning experience not only for your painting but also as you watch the same transformation on the other students paintings. These are not just casual suggestions rather live demonstrations for your artwork. As we talk about taking your paintings to the next level this class will have a profound and immediate impact on your artwork. These suggestions will be taped so that you can watch and learn from them again and again while you stop, rewind, fast forward,  and screen shot your way to success!


Click or copy and paste this link to watch a 
free sample as TOM rescues failed paintings:


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NEW 'online' WORKSHOPS each month for Cheap Joe's Art Stuff .com

                  Cheap Joe's'  Schedule for 2025  
All classes are 6-hours of instruction: PLUS 3 WEEKS OF FOLLOW UP HELP

Jan. 25th--- 10:30-5:30... Mountain Sunset [ finished painting ]

Feb. 26/27th--- 5-8pm...Coastal Classic [ finished painting ]
Mar.  26/27th--- 4-8pm...City Sunset { finished painting ]
April 12th--10:30-5:30 pm...Fav Tips & Techniques [ w/c techniques ]
May 17th --- 10:30-5:30... Abstract Floral [ finished painting ]
June 18/19th --- 5-8pm...Dramatic Still Life [ finished painting ]
July  16/17th--- 5-8pm...Color Harmony- Fun With B/W [ w/c techniques ]
Aug. 20/21st--- 5-8pm... Country Road Shadows [ finished painting ]
Sept. 20th---10:30-5:30...Forests, Water, Rays of Sunlight [ w/c techniques ]


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TOM LYNCH WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP special price for prime members! 100.00


1-Day ------2-part online workshops for SAWG members ---- date to be announced $115.00

2- Part 'online' Watercolor Workshop
Date to be announced
"Painting the Southwest Landscape"


6 hours of instruction... 1-hour slide show during lunch..3 weeks of follow up help

If you like Color, Contrast, Sunlight & Shadow JOIN ME !
    SAWG members only
You do not have to be a member of ART ACADEMY LIVE to order art supplies
     or register for art classes
 Here are the instructions to place an order... 'ADD TO CART' 'CHECKOUT ' [ do not fill in address data yet ] 'NEW ACCOUNT' [ even though you are not intending to join ]
...fill in info click ' CONTINUE '
...check that your order is correct, click 'CONTINUE'
...fill in payment information [ here is where you fill in address ], 'COMPLETE SUBMISSION'
   You will receive an email confirmation 


New online' classes each month for Cheap Joe's Art Stuff .com



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.' to be announced...

.' to be announced...

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new classes each month


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Members Special $110



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1-day workshop description

1-day workshop description
After sign up you will be sent workshop information,
supply list, sketches, video links, lesson guides, color visuals and more. 

In the morning session …you will paint with Tom parts of the scene on separate sheets of paper. You will learn a variety of ways on how to paint..Hills, Trees, Streets Water, Skies, Clouds and much more, in several different ways without the pressure of a finished painting! Tom has been listed as one of AMERICA'S top 10 teachers. In this LIVE class he demo then assist you as you paint and answer all your questions.

in the afternoon session… You will put all the parts together [ step-by-step ] in a new effort and learn about… focal point, value change, unity, design, color harmony and MORE ! You will have a completed painting at the end of the day. The focus of this class is to learn while doing and Tom is a master teacher to help you accomplish that. Join TOM for a fun day of painting where he uses his 3 camera format: with great close ups so you can see each step in great detail. The class is recorded so you can watch in rerun as you pause, fast forward, and screenshot your way to success. As an added bonus Tom will be available to answer questions and review your painting efforts for 3-weeks after class.

For more details about the lessons email TOM -
For details regarding attending the class email 
Click here to see a free video description.
Click here to sign up

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A special 2-PART ( online ) TOM LYNCH Watercolor Workshop
click here to see a vide description
After you sign up you will be sent workshop information,
supply list, sketches, video links, lesson guides, color visuals and more. 

Your registration is refundable up to 30 days before the workshop
after that it is transferable.

Morning session…You will paint with Tom parts of the scene on separate sheets of paper. You will learn a variety of ways on how to paint..Mountains, Trees, Panorama Valley, Skies, Clouds and much more, in several different ways without the pressure of a finished painting! Tom has been listed as one of AMERICA'S top 10 teachers. He can see your work and will answer all your questions.

Afternoon session... You will put all the parts together [ step-by-step ] in a new effort and learn about… focal point, value change, unity, design, color harmony and MORE ! You will have a completed painting at the end of the day. The focus of this class is to learn while doing and Tom is a master teacher to help you accomplish that. Join TOM for a fun day of painting where he uses his 3 camera format: with great close ups so you can see each step in great detail. The class is recorded so you can watch in rerun as you pause, fast forward, and screenshot your way to success.

For more details about the lessons email TOM:

Click to see a free video description-


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Live Demos... 20

Purchase the link to watch and interact with the teacher during the next live demonstration painting. ( This option is not the 3 technique class.)
After your purchase you will be contacted by email with details. The link and demonstration will remain active for 1 week so that you can watch it again and again. Click PREVIEW VIDEO to see description.
Preview Video



This book is designed for the artist that wants to create successful FINISHED works of art.
Tom showcases the 7 chapters in 4 different ways. How he creates finished STU DIO paintings he creates PLEIN-AIR he teaches his process for finished paintings in his WORKSHOPS... and how he CORRECTS STUDENT PAINTINGS. Prime members and students will receive a signed print and FREE shipping.

Total Records: 19

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